Programs & Events
Brain Awareness Week
Founded by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (DABI) and the European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB), Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to foster support for brain science. The Alabama Life Research Institute is a Brain Awareness Week partner, sharing the impact of brain science with the UA campus community, Tuscaloosa, and throughout the state.

UA Brain Day
Organized by faculty members in the colleges of Human Environmental Sciences as well as Arts and Sciences and in partnership with the Alabama Life Research Institute and the UA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, Brain Day exposes high school student-athletes to campus athletic training and sports medicine facilities along with a tour of the MRI Research Facility. Students and coaches also learn about aspects of brain health, such as concussion symptoms and recovery; the role of nutrition, exercise, and sleep in brain health; mental health awareness; and students’ roles in preventing brain injuries in themselves and teammates.