Rural Health and Health Disparities

Alabama is the nation’s sixth poorest state and has poor health outcomes, having the fifth-highest cancer mortality rate and third-highest maternal mortality rate. Our rural communities also have problems with access to care.

The mission of the Rural Health and Health Disparities theme is to conduct research that uncovers the mechanisms responsible for disparate health outcomes and to develop and implement interventions to improve the health of all Alabamians.

The Rural Health and Health Disparities theme is directed by Marcia Hay-McCutcheon, PhD, a professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders. She also heads up the Hear Here Alabama project.

Affiliated Centers

UA has a significant number of researchers across campus that focus on rural health and health disparities, including one of our affiliated centers, the Institute for Rural Health Research in the College of Community Health Sciences. The Alabama Life Research Institute will provide support to existing groups and expand ongoing efforts across all colleges on campus.